This web site is dedicated to inform users and provide discounts for Ultimatte AdvantEdge and the Ultimatte RT plugins. Quite simply, we offer the lowest prices for the Ultimatte AdvantEdge and RT software plugin available anywhere. Ultimatte AdvantEdge and Ultimatte RT offers the very best compositing plugin for Final Cut Pro, Motion Shake, After Effects, Photoshop, Combustion, Premiere Pro, Digital Fusion, eyeon Vision, eyeon Rotation, Avid Symphony, Media Composer, Media Composer Adrenaline, Xpress, Xpress Pro, Xpress DV, DS, DS Nitris, and other editing software. The Ultimatte plugins are not compatible with Adobe CS5. The Mac plugins are not compatible with OS X Lion or any Mac systems with more than 8 cores. ![]() On this site, you can download the full working version of the Ultimatte AdvantEdge plugin (output is watermarked) and the full manual. Purchases from this site qualify for free phone and e-mail-based technical support - FOR LIFE! The AdvantEdge plugin is compatible with both Mac and Windows. In fact, the same plugin license can be used for both Mac and PC. The Ultimatte RT plugin is a GPU-accelerated FxPlug for Apple Final Cut Pro and Apple Motion. The Ultimatte plugins are not compatible with Adobe CS5. The Mac plugins are not compatible with OS X Lion or any Mac systems with more than 8 cores.
Contact us for more information! Ultimatte is a registered trademark of Ultimatte Corporation. |